Thursday 8 January 2009

Privacy Policy

KITAKAMIGAMESHOP respect and protect your right to privacy in relation to your interactions with this website (the “Website”). We have adopted the following policies to safeguard your personal information and to protect its confidentiality. Any information which is provided by you to KitakamiGameshop via this Website or otherwise will be treated in accordance with the terms of the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) and/or such amending or replacement legislation as may be adopted in Malaysia from time to time.

This Policy applies only to our Website. It does not apply to our retail stores or to any other channels owned or operated by  KitakamiGameshop that are used for the sale of products or services. KitakamiGameshop maintains a separate privacy policy for personal information collected with respect to its retail store operations.

Please ensure that you read this Privacy Policy before using this Website. If you do not read or if you disagree with any aspect of the Privacy Policy, you should not use this Website. Your use of this Website signifies your agreement to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

How Do We Obtain Your Consent to the Collection of Your Personal Information?

When you provide us with personal information to complete a transaction, place a pre-order, or return a purchase, we assume your consent to collect your personal information and use it for that specific reason.

If we ask you for personal information for a secondary reason, like competitions, we will either ask you directly for your consent or provide you with an opportunity to say no.

We may ask you to give your express consent, such as by checking a box to indicate your consent to receive marketing communications. You may notify us at any time that you wish to withdraw or change your consent to our use and disclosure of your information. We will accommodate your request following receipt of such notice, subject to legal and contractual restrictions related to your transactions. You can send such notice in writing to  KitakamiGameshop at

If you have "opted in" or subscribed to one of our newsletters or mailing lists, we will always provide you the opportunity to "opt out" or unsubscribe. For example, each e-newsletter we send to you will include a link or other method to unsubscribe or decline further e-newsletters.

When you choose to provide us with your personal information you consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information as identified in this Privacy Policy and as may be further identified at the time of collection.

What Information Do We Collect About You?

At KitakamiGameshop, we collect personal information and non-personal information. The type of information we collect depends on the nature of your interaction with us. You may choose not to provide us with your personal information. However, if you make this choice we may not be able to provide you with the product, service, or information that you requested.

Personal information - Personal information is information that can identify an individual or information about an identifiable individual. We may collect personal information including the following:

• contact information – your name, postal address, telephone number, and email address

• personal preferences – opinions, interests, hobbies, product wish lists, language preferences, and marketing consent; and

• financial information and transaction information – products purchased, method of payment, amount paid, and credit or debit card number.

Non-personal information - Non-personal information does not identify you as an individual. For example, we may collect certain non-personal data when you visit our Website, such as your Internet Protocol address, the type and version of browser you are using or the referring URL; or we may collect and summarize customer information in a non-personal, aggregate format for statistical and research purposes.

How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

The primary reasons we collect personal information from you are:

• To complete a sales transaction with you
• To place pre-orders on your behalf
• To fulfill your requests for products, services or information
• To limit the possibility of fraud or error when we process your transactions, refunds and/or exchanges
• To administer rebates
• To conduct competitions, promotions or surveys

We also use your personal information for other, secondary reasons, including:

• Customer service
• As part of extended service agreements
• To administer a loyalty program, including but not limited to tracking and analyzing your purchases and preferences to better understand your product and service needs and eligibility
• To facilitate your acceptance of offers made by our third party marketing partners
• To tailor our online content based on your preferences
• To measure and improve the effectiveness of our Website or our marketing endeavours
• If you ask us, to offer and promote additional products and services we offer
• For other purposes as described in this Privacy Policy
• As otherwise provided or required by law

Information  KitakamiGameshop Collects Directly from You

Returns and Exchanges – In connection with any returns, refunds or exchanges, we ask for personal information such as your name, address, and telephone number for the purposes of detecting and preventing fraud.

Purchase Follow-Up and Surveys - Following a purchase, we may send you a follow-up letter either thanking you for your business or inquiring as to whether you are satisfied with your new product. We may use contact information collected from you to conduct occasional surveys and other customer research. These surveys are entirely voluntary.

Our Website – You can browse our Website anonymously. However, to order products and services from our Website, or to use special features or functions of our Website, you may be asked to provide personal information, such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, or credit or debit card information. We use this information to create your account, contact and correspond with you about your order, respond to your inquiries, and monitor functions or features of our Website that you may use.

Customer Reviews and Posted Content – We may provide you with the ability to rate or review products or services we sell, or otherwise post content on our Website. Any comments or reviews that you provide are accessible to all visitors to our Website, so you should use discretion when posting information and you should not post personal information. GameOn has no responsibility if you do post personal information. Subject to the other provisions of this Privacy Policy relating to your personal information, you grant a perpetual worldwide non-exclusive license to GameOn to copy, use and/or display any content that you post on our Website.

Newsletters or Updates -  KitakamiGameshop also may offer you the opportunity to sign up for newsletters or other promotional communications. If you decide to do so, we will collect your contact information, such as name and email address. This information will only be used to send you the newsletter and promotional announcements that you have requested. You may “unsubscribe” at any time by using the unsubscribe link included in the footer of the newsletter or by using the unsubscribe link included below under the heading “Unsubscribe”. We do not rent our subscriber list or offer to sell it to other parties.

Competitions and Other Promotions - From time to time, we may run competitions or promotions. If you participate, you may be asked for contact information as well as additional optional survey information (for example, product preferences). Personal information from contest entries will be used only to administer the contest and contact you if you win. For research and analysis purposes, we may also aggregate contest survey information in a manner that no longer identifies individual participants. All competitions and promotions are subject to this Privacy Policy and the rules provided for each particular contest or promotion. If a contest is by a third party, it will be subject to the third party’s contest rules and policies.

Subscription Services and Activations -  KitakamiGameshop may offer activation of certain products and services like online games, downloadable games or game components, or Internet services. These activations may require that certain contact and financial information be collected and provided to GameOn or to the respective service providers as part of the activation process.

Call Centres -  KitakamiGameshop operates customer support call centres to respond to your questions, concerns, or complaints regarding our products or services. When you contact our call centres, we may ask for personal information to help us respond to your inquiry or to verify your identity. For example, if you have a question about the status of a recent online order, we will ask for personal information to verify that you are the account holder. We may also monitor or record your telephone discussions with our customer support representatives for training purposes and to ensure service quality.

Information GameOn Collects Automatically

When you use our Website, we may collect the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer and of your Internet service provider, the date and time you access our Website, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our Website, the computer operating system you are using, the sections of our Website you visit, the website pages read and images viewed, and the content you download from the Website. This information is used for website and system administration purposes and to improve the Website.

Cookies –  KitakamiGameshop may use cookies to store your individual preferences and system information. “Cookies” are small electronic data files that websites can store on your computer for record keeping purposes. For example, cookies will remember what you've placed in your shopping cart, and tell us that you have visited our Website before. Cookies also may be used on the Website for other reasons, such as to limit the number of times you have to enter a password or enter your language preference, to offer personalized web page content and information for your use, and to track your activity at the Website. The use of cookies is standard in the Internet industry and many websites use them. In addition, you may modify your browser’s settings to notify you whenever a website is going to deposit a cookie on your computer’s hard drive or other storage media. The notification option generally gives you the opportunity to decide whether to accept or refuse a cookie in each instance. You can configure your browser to always disable cookies when cookies are being sent to your computer, although this may affect your ability to shop online, both at GameOn and elsewhere.

Website Tracking Information – Web beacons are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of web users. We may use web beacons (sometimes called “clear gifs”, “web bugs” or “pixel tags”) to compile tracking information reports regarding website user demographics, website traffic patterns, and website purchases. We may then provide these reports to advertisers and others. None of the tracking information in these reports can be connected to the identities or other personal information of individual users. In addition, we may use web beacons in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by the recipients. This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. If you do not want to receive these emails, please see the “unsubscribe” section below. For GameOn's own research purposes we may link tracking information with personal information voluntarily provided by website users. Once such a link is made, all of the linked information is treated as personal information and will be used and disclosed only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data on Returned Product – if you return products that may contain stored or recorded personal information, like computers, game consoles, etc., you are responsible for deleting or removing all personal information and media from your product before you return it.  KitakamiGameshop  is not responsible for any personal data or media that you do not delete or remove from such product.

From time to time we may supplement information you give us with information from other sources, such as information validating your address or other available information you have provided to us. This is to help us maintain the accuracy of the information we collect and to help us provide better service.

Does GameOn Share Your Information?

KitakamiGameshop does not sell, rent or share your personal information to any third party except as described in this Privacy Policy.

Marketing Partners - if you accept an offer from any of our third party marketing partners, we will share your contact and billing information with that specific third party, in accordance with the terms of the offer. If you have previously requested that your personal information not be shared with third parties, but then later consent by accepting a third party marketing offer available through one of our Website, we will share your contact and billing information with that specific third party, in accordance with the terms of the offer.

Some of these operations may result in personal information collected by  KitakamiGameshop being stored or processed outside of Malaysia and, as a result, your personal information may be accessible to law enforcement and regulatory authorities in accordance with the law of these foreign jurisdictions.

Service Providers -  KitakamiGameshop may use third parties to manage one of more aspects of our business operations, including the processing or handling of personal information. We may share personal information with such third parties to perform services on our behalf such as fulfilling online orders, processing non-cash payments, sending marketing communications, servicing products, conducting research surveys, verifying and validating information that you have provided to us, delivering products, and providing customer support services. When we do use an outside company, we use contractual and other appropriate means to ensure that your personal information is used in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

KitakamiGameshop has taken precautions to prevent the fraudulent use of your information on our Website. GameOn has adopted industry standard authentication procedures to ensure your protection while shopping with us online. This includes, but is not limited to, contacting financial institutions or credit reporting agencies to ensure the authenticity of your credit card and to validate your credit card billing information.

KitakamiGameshop, its corporate parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions -  KitakamiGameshop may share personal information gathered on our Website with  KitakamiGameshop retail stores (and vice versa) and amongst our corporate parents, subsidiaries, affiliates or divisions for internal business purposes in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If  KitakamiGameshop shares your information within its corporate family, we will ensure that your information continues to be used only in accordance with this Privacy Policy and your expressed choices.

Product Safety Recalls - In the event we receive notice from a manufacturer or supplier of a product safety recall, we may provide your contact information, limited to name, address and telephone number, to the manufacturer so that they may notify you of the recall and supply details of any replacement or repair programs. This transfer of your contact information will occur only for recalls that may impact your personal safety or impair the functionality of the product you purchased from us.

Sale or Transfer of Business or Assets of GameOn - Any information we have about you may be transferred or disclosed to a purchaser or prospective purchaser in the event of a sale, assignment, or other transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets. Should such a transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the transferee uses your information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Legal Disclosure -  KitakamiGameshop may disclose your information as permitted or required by law or to comply with any legal process, as well as to protect and defend the rights of  KitakamiGameshop and/or our customers.

How does GameOn Protect Your Information?

The file containing your personal information will be stored on our servers and will only be accessible to our employees and those of our agents and service providers who require it in the course of their duties.  KitakamiGameshop takes appropriate steps to protect your personal information. We maintain appropriate safeguards and current security standards to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. For example, electronic records are stored in secure, limited-access servers; electronic data is stored behind secured encryption access; we use technological tools like firewalls and passwords; and we ensure our employees are trained on the importance of maintaining the security and confidentiality of personal information.

SSL Technology - Our Website use encryption technology, such as Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”), to protect your personal information during data transport. SSL encrypts ordering information such as your name, address, and credit card number.

Choosing a Password - When you register as a user and create an online account on our Website, you will be prompted to select a personal password. To maximize your level of protection, you should choose a strong personal password, which means that you should use at least 6 characters including a combination of both letters and numbers. You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password and any account information.  KitakamiGameshop will never send an unsolicited communication asking you for your password or requesting that you update your account credentials.

Although we cannot take responsibility for any theft, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction of data by a third party, we take reasonable precautions to prevent such occurrences.

How Can You Verify Your Information?

You may check your information to verify, update, or correct it, and to have any obsolete information removed. If you created an account on our Website, you can access and change your online account profile yourself. You can also ask to review any of the information that we have retained, how we have used it, and to whom we have disclosed it at any time by contacting us as indicated below under the heading “Contacting  KitakamiGameshop”. Subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law, and provided we can authenticate your identity, you will be given reasonable access to your personal information, and will be entitled to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and to have it amended as appropriate. You may also ask us to change your preferences regarding how we use or disclose your information, or let us know that you do not wish to receive any further communication from us.

When is Your Information Removed?

We keep your information only as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes and to meet any legal requirements. We have retention standards that meet these parameters. We destroy your information when it is no longer needed, or we remove your personally identifiable information to render it anonymous.

Links to Third Party Websites

Our Website may contain links that permit you to link to other websites or Internet resources. When you click on one of those links you are connecting to another website or Internet resource.  KitakamiGameshop has no responsibility or liability for, or control over, those other websites or Internet resources or their collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of those other websites before you submit any personal information to them.

Contacting KitakamiGameshop

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the privacy practices of our organization please contact us at the following:

Email: (please read the Important Reminder below)

You may contact us directly by calling +60 19 or you can contact us in writing addressed to

Selangor Darul Ehsan

We will respond to your request or investigate your concern as quickly as we can, but no later than 40 days from the date of receipt of your query.

Important Reminder about email communications: Please remember that email sent over the Internet is not secure. If you send an email directly to us from your own email account the contents will not be encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send sensitive information (like a credit card number) to us via unencrypted email.  KitakamiGameshop is not responsible for any transmission by you of any personal information over the Internet.



Will this Privacy Policy change?

Last Update: 30/6/2011

To accommodate changes in our services, changes in technology, and legal developments, this Privacy Policy may change over time without notice to you. We may add, change, or remove portions of the Privacy Policy when we feel it is appropriate to do so. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically. Each time you submit personal information or use our services you agree to be bound by the then current terms of the Privacy Policy. Whenever we update the Privacy Policy we will change the date to indicate when the changes were made.


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